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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

busy week

a successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. always with the same person, but deeper and deeper every time. Each time on a whole new level you together open in love and discover the truth of your beloved anew. There is no limit to the beauty of your beloved. 

ingat semua. always with the same person. bukan hari ni dengan orang ni, esok dengan orang tu. no no. a big NO. 

mohd. azri anuer, i love you so much. only you in my heart. jumpa kelmarin tak puas rasanya. :( tolong datang kenduri Lah and Paksu weekend ni okay sayang. 

will update soon about my vacation kat dua highland. fraser hill dengan cameron highland. paling best dekat cameron lah. my favourite place ever. i miss that place oredi.

malas nak upload pic sebab semua pic kat laptop satu lagi. malasnya nak bukak. laptop tu semacam problem. tapi taknak hantar baiki lagi. lagipun minggu lepas and minggu ni sangat busy. on sebab nak jumpa eihjay kat pet-society je. yang lain tak. kenduri sepupu hujung minggu ni. hmpphh 

pen-off. bye