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Saturday, November 8, 2008

kesayangan tag aku

1. Who were your seatmates?
SMC F1: Ika Farikha Syazwani.
SMC F2: Nur Nadiah Hidzir
SMC F3: Ros Nadiah Rosli
SMC F4: Nabilah Omar
SMTP: Cik Petung and Cik Jijot
SMTT F4: Shafiqah Shamsuddin
SMT F5: Amy Nadirah

2. Still remember your English teacher?
SMC F1: Mr. Ooi
SMC F2: Mdm. Susan Leslar
SMC F3: Mr. Chan!!!! (the best teacher ever!)
SMC F4: Mdm.Mah.
SMTP: Mdm Syuhada.
SMTT F4: Mr. Joseph
SMTT F5: Mr. Lawren Yong Hon Chong. :)

3. What was your class name?
SMC F1: 1RK2
SMC F2: 2RK2
SMC F3: 3K3
SMC F4: 4SC1

4. Who was your first love then?
- erm… masuk SMT Taiping… Ive crush on Falihin. =D

5. Made friends to the lower years?
- YEzzur!!

6. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Kat sekolah xde. hehehe

7. How was your table arrangement in class?
SMC F1: Dua-dua
SMC F2: dua-dua
SMC F3: dua-dua
SMC F4: dua-dua
SMTP: tiga-tiga
SMTT F4: dua-dua
SMTT F5: dua-dua

Made any enemies?
- ermm...nope I think.

9. What games did you play?
- em…masa kat teknik… netball ngn hockey. =D

10. Did you buy your lunch?
SMC F1: tak beli..abah belikan
SMC F2: sama macam form 1
SMC F3: sama macam form 2
SMC F4: sama jugak macam form 3
SMTP: tak beli.. makanan disediakan.. pergi dining hall..makan!
SMTT F4: tak beli.. macam kat convent dulu
SMTT F5: takjugak!

11. Were you a party animal?
- nope.

SMC F1: xpernah
SMC F2: xpernah
SMC F3: xpernah
SMC F4: xpernah
SMTP: Yah!! Manyak kali! Dengan cik petung
SMTT F4-F5: xpernah tapi ngulat pernah ar..

13. Did you get suspended/expelled?
- semua xpernah!

14. Can you sing the School song?
SMC: Of Course! Still ingat sampai sekarang. Simple in Virtue steadfast in duty our motto..
SMTP: Siyesli… xde lagu sekolah sebab sekolah baru lagi.
SMTT: Ingat.. tapi xingat lirik dah.

15. What was your favorite subject?
form 1-3: English, Sejarah, Geografi and Seni Visual.
form 4-5: Biologi masa kat Convent. Engineering Drawing, Mechanical Engineering Study, and English!

16. What was your school's full name?
SMC: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent Taiping! (the best skul eva!)
SMTP: Sekolah Menengah Teknik Pendang (rindu sekolah ni)
SMTT: Sekolah Menengah Teknik Taiping (er..er…)

17. Did you go to the dances?
-nahhh..xpernah yg berkaitan sekolah nih. hahaha

18. Where did you go most often during breaks?
SMC F1- F4: Canteen! Library klau nadiah ajak.
SMTP: Canteen, Coop, blakang bangunan akademik, kelas.
SMTT F4: Kelas and library
SMTT F5: kelas and library jugak. Ouh..tandas. haha

19. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
SMC: 100% for sure.
SMTP: 50-50
SMTT: er… 10%? =D

20. What do you remember most about 5th year?
erm.. Aku dapat classmates yang best dan gila-gila such as, Falihin*blueks*, Shafiqah Shamsuddin, Amy, Deen, Yus… etc..

21. Worst memory in 5th year?
takde rasanya.

and i tag:

Xnak tag sesapa lah. hahaha


Yana said...

hehe..bgs2..bgitu cpt anda menjalankan tugas...ngeee... =]

hannah joe said...

demi kesayangan