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Thursday, April 19, 2012

After a long hiatus


woah. its been a very while huh since my last update.
i decided to close my blog before this due to some reasons.
and after deleted some entries, now I open again to public.
too many things I want to update especially about my wedding's preparation and the event.
yeah. I'M MARRIED to the same guy that I bragged about in here since 3 years ago.

and now....

I'M A WIFE TO MOHD AZRI ANUER and i feel so blessed to have him as my husband.

more about the wedding later.

oh my dearie blog... I really miss you.



Munckin said...

saya sangat berbahgia menjadi suami kepada hannah joe..

hannah joe said...

hahahaha. saya pon sangat berbahagia jadi isteri kepada mohd azri anuer.

aKuLanGit said...

waaaa...lama tak dengar kabo,titibe da nikah da...wahaha,anyway...congrats :D

hannah joe said...

akulangit: waalaikumussalam.. thanks.. sapa ni eh. xleh view profile pon

aKuLanGit said...

aaaaaaa...dulu2 waktu zaman mirc dulu...alaaaa,yg gitu2 tu....wahahaha